Veterinary Care for Animals Planning Overseas Journeys

Veterinary Care for Animals Planning Overseas Journeys

  • What Is A Homeopathic Vet?

    Many vets these days commonly offer alternative therapies to their patients such as acupuncture and physiotherapy, but did you know that there is also a branch of homeopathic veterinary medicine?  Homeopathic veterinary medicine is often used in conjunction with conventional treatment for chronic conditions and could be something that's recommended for your pet. So, what is veterinary homeopathy, and what should you expect at a consultation with a homeopathic vet?  Read on to find out more.

About Me

Veterinary Care for Animals Planning Overseas Journeys

When you have a dog or a cat, they become a treasured part of the family, and you don't want to leave them at any cost. This is true even if you move or travel abroad. Hi, my name is Katie, and I traveled with my dog for nearly 10 years before his passing one year ago. I loved every moment we had together, but I also learned a lot of important things about the type of veterinary care travelling animals need. If you want to learn about veterinary care or tips for travelling animals or just in general, I invite you to explore my blog.

